
Des exercices pour un rétablissement rapide

Après une opération ou une blessure, vous aimeriez vous rétablir le plus rapidement possible. En tant que spécialiste pour le post-traitement, nous souhaitons vous accompagner et vous soutenir. C’est pourquoi nous avons compilé quelques exercices simples et efficaces dans nos vidéos.

Foot Rehab: Three-point Gait with VACOpedes | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Mobilisation of Lumbar-Pelvis-Hip Region | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Strengthening the Muscles of the Upper Thigh, Buttocks & Back - Bridge | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Strengthening the Abdominal Muscles - Static | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Strengthening the Abdominal Muscles - Alternating Legs | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Strengthening the Leg Axis - Without Resistance | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Strengthening Posterior Muscles & Shoulder Region, Draw Elbow into Rib Cage | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Strengthening Posterior Muscle & Shoulder Region Raise Arm & Leg Diagonally | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Strengthening Buttock & Posterior Thigh Muscle, Raise Heels Towards Ceiling | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Strengthening Buttock Muscles and Adductors | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Strengthening Buttock Muscles and Abductors | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Side Plank (Strengthening the Lateral Core and Buttock Muscles) Static | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Four-Point Gait with VACOped | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Janda’s “Short Foot” Method | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Strengthening the Small Foot Muscles Using a Towel | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Strengthening the Small Foot Muscles Using a Pen | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Stimulating the Foot Muscles with the Spiky Massage Ball | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Mobilisation of the Ankle Joint - Standing | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Mobilisation of the Ankle Joint - in Half Kneel Position | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Slight Activation of the Calf Muscles - Strong Support | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Slight Activation of the Calf Muscles - Less Support | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Slight Activation of the Calf Muscles - Less Support | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Mobilising the Ankle Joint on a Swiss Ball | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Squats with Chair | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Standing on One Leg with Combination of Steps - Leg Axis Stabilisation | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Tightrope Walker Stance - on Rolled Up Towel or Gym Mat
Foot Rehab: Deep Squats | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Lunge - Improving Coordination and Stability | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Stand on Both Legs on Tiptoes on Steps or Stepper | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Stand on Tiptoes Statically with Upper Leg on the Other Side | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Leg Axis Stabilisation with Resistance - Raise Leg (Adduction) | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Leg Axis Stabilisation with Resistance - Pull Leg Backwards (Extension) | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Calf-Stretcher (Improving the Flexibility of the Back of the Leg) | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: BlackRoll Mini - Stimulating the Foot Muscles | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: BlackRoll - Calf Massage | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: BlackRoll - Anterior Thigh Muscles | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: BlackRoll - Posterior Thigh Muscles | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Fast Feet - Returning a Tennis Ball (Feet Coordination Work) | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Standing on One Leg - Returning a Tennis Ball (Forehand) | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Standing on One Leg - Returning a Tennis Ball (Backhand) | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Standing on One Leg - Catching and Throwing Back a Tennis Ball | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Standing on One Leg - Catching and Throwing Back a Ball | Foot Range
Foot Rehab: Skipping | Foot Range